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Should You Reupholster Furniture To Try To Sell It For More?

A commonly asked question among storage auction locker buyers is whether it's worth putting the time, money and effort into reupholstering an item hoping for a higher resale value.

My philosophy and strategy when it come to furniture or anything else is that rarely if ever am I willing to put additional money into an item. Stuff is hard enough to sell as is, let alone trying to squeeze out money on the item plus whatever you put into it. Also, when reupholstering something who's to even say the potential new owner will even like the fabric or pattern you pick out.

I personally as a buyer would much prefer getting a deal on an item and being able to fix or reupholster it to my taste or to fit my homes design vs what someone else chose. Also, furniture is a tough item to sell to begin with. Oftentimes I wind up having to basically give it away. For that reason I wouldn't invest any further into furniture than the cost of the unit unless it was something really unique or valuable like a Victorian piece of furniture or something along those lines and even then I'd be hesitant.

This is generally my attitude towards everything whether it's electronics, furniture, household good or anything else for that matter. Anything more than cleaning or replacing a missing screw and I find it's not worth the time or investment. Most people on Craigslist and other place want a steal and it's hard enough to make a buck just on top of whatever you paid for a unit let alone after putting additional money into a piece of furniture someone may or may not want. Unless it's a very valuable unique piece or antique I would be very hesitant to invest any money.

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